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Project valuation – why each project is valued individually.

Very often we get the question “how much does a website cost” to which we always answer “it depends”.

Podobnie sprawa ma się z wieloma rzeczami z zakresu sprzedaży usług, a nie produktów, które mają niezmienne cechy i są wyprodukowane wcześniej. Wyobraźmy sobie, że The same thing is in the field of selling services, not products which have unchanging characteristics and are produced earlier. Let’s imagine that we come to the architect and we ask “how much does a house project cost”. Until we clarify what house we want to build and if we do not use previously prepared projects, it is impossible to answer this question. Just like we come to a mechanic with a broken car and ask “how much does the repair cost”. Until the mechanic diagnoses the fault and determines how long it will take him to repair and what parts he has to buy, he will not be able to answer this question. The same is the case with websites, shops, portals etc

The price of a website or other IT product is influenced by many elements. To illustrate the price range, we have created the most standard “packages”, for example, websites, however, a detailed valuation should always be made for such a package. Why? Below we list a number of elements that affect the pricing and depending on the choice of the element and the execution path, the price will be different.

  • The server environment on which the programmers will work, including whether it will be a hosting that is already properly configured or a server that requires configuration or the use of appropriate technologies. Following the example of building a house – the land on which the house will be built is of key importance. Referring to the example of a mechanic, it is important on which brand of a car the mechanic will work, some of them specialize, for example, only in Citroen or especially not do a thing with Citroën.
  • The number of sub-tabs and the content of these tabs –  this translates directly into the amount of work that the software developer and graphic designer must devote to the project, and as you know, the number of working hours has a direct impact on the price of the project.
  • Functionality – the more functions to be coded or modules to be configured, the more working hours or the need to buy additional modules from an external supplier.
  •  Graphic design – there are graphic designs that can extend the standard coding time up to 3-4 times due to very non-standard ideas, so the more sophisticated graphics, the more difficult its coding, and especially the implementation of their mobile versions.projekty graficzne, które potrafią wydłużyć czas standardowego kodowania nawet 3-4 krotnie ze względu na bardzo niestandardowe pomysły zatem im bardziej wymyślna grafika tym kodowanie jej jest trudniejsze, a szczególnie wdrożenie ich wersji mobilnych.
  • Technology – depending on the choice of technology, the execution time and the cost of the softdeveloper’s working hour will be different. As with specialists, e.g. doctors, depending on the scope of their specialization, the working hour is priced differently.
  • Speed ​​of execution – if you need something ‘for now’, unfortunately the rates ‘for now’ are much higher than the rates for works going according to the schedule and previously planned.

Of course, there are many elements, but you don’t need to know about them. Coming to us with information about what you need and in what budget you want to move, we will adjust the solution and offer to you and show you what and how it affects the valuation. We always provide very detailed quotes, but remember that we need to get the same detailed information from you

 If you are wondering what our price ranges are, you can find out about it at the links below:

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